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Make a Donation

We rely on support from people like you to create sustainable change in the Dallas Fort-Worth Metroplex. The financial aid we receive makes a big difference in how we conduct our programs here at Helping Organize Peace 4 Everyone. However, if you prefer to donate your time and energy, we’d love to use your skills and talents in a capacity that helps the lives of our charity's recipients.

We are always accepting working appliances, home furnishings, running vehicles, and gently used furniture.


Volunteer Your Time

Change a Life

Currently seeking:

Volunteers for donation calling

Social Media Curators

Volunteers for taking claims at local Shelters

Passionate Helpers are always encouraged to reach out!


Signing Check

One-Time Donation

Your donations go to things like:
 -Driver's License, Photo I.D., or CDL replacement $10-$97

-Birth Certificate Replacement $25
-Marriage License $25

-Program Enrollment Fee $75-$200

-Food $50-$100

-Transportation (Uber, Personal Transport, Bus Pass) $20-$50

 -Clothing $20-$50

 -Common Comforts (Soap, Deodorant, Pillows, Blankets, etc.) $5-$50

-Notebooks, Books, Entertainment $10-$50

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Amazon Smile

At no extra cost to you Amazon will donate to us if we are your selected charity.

Simply click the link below, and type "Helping Organize Peace 4 Everyone" in the search box to select us as your Amazon Smile charity. Then all you have to do is be sure every time you shop on Amazon its through the link.

Donate: Donate
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