Make a Donation
We rely on support from people like you to create sustainable change in the Dallas Fort-Worth Metroplex. The financial aid we receive makes a big difference in how we conduct our programs here at Helping Organize Peace 4 Everyone. However, if you prefer to donate your time and energy, we’d love to use your skills and talents in a capacity that helps the lives of our charity's recipients.
We are always accepting working appliances, home furnishings, running vehicles, and gently used furniture.
One-Time Donation
Your donations go to things like:
-Driver's License, Photo I.D., or CDL replacement $10-$97
-Birth Certificate Replacement $25
-Marriage License $25
-Program Enrollment Fee $75-$200
-Food $50-$100
-Transportation (Uber, Personal Transport, Bus Pass) $20-$50
-Clothing $20-$50
-Common Comforts (Soap, Deodorant, Pillows, Blankets, etc.) $5-$50
-Notebooks, Books, Entertainment $10-$50
Amazon Smile
At no extra cost to you Amazon will donate to us if we are your selected charity.
Simply click the link below, and type "Helping Organize Peace 4 Everyone" in the search box to select us as your Amazon Smile charity. Then all you have to do is be sure every time you shop on Amazon its through the link.